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2019-11-06 14:11:42

  Teaching Aims

  Knowledge aim

  Students can understand the tones of general questions and special questions.

  Ability aim

  After this lesson, student can express different tones in different questions in their daily life.

  Emotional aims

  Students will be more interested in learning English.

  Students will pay more attention to English sentence expressions.

  Teaching Key &Difficult Points

  Key point:

  Master the different tones of general questions and special questions.

  Difficult point:

  How to use these rules to express different tones in daily life.

  Teaching procedures:

  Step 1: Warming up

  1. Daily greeting.

  2. Show a short video about 2019 Women’s Volleyball World Cup.

  Ask students what it is about and their feelings after watching the video, then some students may be invited to share their answers. Talk about the Spirit of the Chinese Women’s Volleyball Team and lead in the new topic today.

  Step 2: Presentation

  1. Ask students to open the book and find out questions in this article, then invite a student to come to the front and write down his or her answers.

  1) What sports do you like doing?

  2) Do you like watching sport on TV?

  2. Read these two sentences for students, then ask them in which of them the intonation goes up at the end. Next let them try to find out the rules about intonation in questions. After 5 minutes, invite several students to share their ideas.

  3. Lead students to make a conclusion of the intonation of general questions and special questions. (The falling intonation is used in special questions which begin with “wh-”, and the rising intonation is used in general questions that can be answered by “yes/no”.)

  4. Present the adverbial clause of condition in this article and ask students to read the sentence with the rules. Then make a supplement that we should use rising tone if the adverbial clause is in front of the main clause.

  3) If your school asked you to be in a team, would you try to back out?

  Step 3: Practice

  Ask students to read the general questions and special questions in this article with the rules to feel the different tones.

  Lead students to do a dubbing for a piece of short cartoon which is name Smallfoot to deepen their impressions on the target knowledge.

  Step 4: Production

  Make sentences with general questions or special questions according to the different scenes given on the screen, such as coffee shop and bookstore. 5 minutes later, invite a pair to show their questions in front of the class.

  Step 5: Summary & Homework

  Summary: invite one of the students to review what we have learned and others make a supplement together.

  Homework: use these two kinds of intonation to ask questions in their daily life.

  Blackboard design




  Teaching Reflection


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